I am worth the air in my lungs, I am worth more than the scars lined up and down my arms. I am worth more than the tears shed in silence, I am worth every sweet word, every night I stayed awake, every moment I put everyone else above myself. I am worthy of friendships - those connections that bring light and joy into my life, that make me feel understood and supported.
I am worth fighting for, worth standing up for myself and my beliefs. I am enough, I am strong, I am powerful. I am human, with all the complexities and vulnerabilities that come with it. I am wise, having learned from my experiences and grown through challenges. I am beautiful, not just in appearance but in the depth of my soul.
I am a woman, with all the strength and resilience that entails. I bear scars, physical and emotional, that tell the story of my journey. I have things I wish I could take back, mistakes and missteps that have shaped me. I have lived a life filled with heartbreak and loss, but also with moments of profound beauty and growth.
I will be whatever I want to be, free to pursue my dreams and passions. I can do whatever I set my mind to, overcoming obstacles and reaching new heights. I will, I am, I did - affirming my ability to achieve and succeed. I have done what once seemed impossible, proving my resilience and determination.
Tomorrow is a new day, full of possibilities and opportunities. Today is still unfolding, a chance to make a difference and embrace the present moment. Yesterday has already left, carrying lessons and memories that have shaped me. I am enough, just as I am, worthy of love, respect, and self-acceptance.
I will never lose

her again. I will never forget.
~Love Sage